Wednesday 28 January 2009

Twilight - book review

After finishing all the Harry Potter-books I needed something to fill in the void and started looking for something new that would hold my interest the same way as J.K.Rowling's story of the wizard boy had done. And because the young girl inside my woman's body required something targeted to younger audiences, I became interested when I heard about a series of books about a love story between a teenage girl and a vampire.

After few sceptical glances on the first pages I dived into a story that awakened the teenager in me, the one that is looking for the perfect love, perfect lover, all the electricity of first love, and I was hooked, and read the whole book with butterflies in my lower stomach.

is the first novel in Stephenie Meyer's vampire saga which at this moment is four novels long. The story is about a 17-year-old Bella who moves from Phoenix to live with her father in cloudy state of Washington, in a small town called Forks. She is insecure, a bit of a lone wolf, and is surprised by the warm welcome she receives in the local high school. There's only one boy who does not seem delighted of Bella's arrival, and his behaviour starts bugging the girl.

Bella clearly has the same stubborness and police instinct in her like his father the police Chief, and she starts digging information of this strange boy whose eye colour changes along with his mood changes, and his weird family who never eat at school. She finds out a truth that could terrify others: the boy, Edward, is a vampire. However she is not afraid but instead finds herself falling in love with the boy...

The storyline of the book is very simple and all actions predictable. However it is not intended to be a literary masterpiece, but a story that grabs people in its iron hold to follow how the relationship between a girl and a vampire could be possible. The relationship is so full of dangers, so full of the wonderful feeling of the electricity of the first love, so impossible, that it does not let you go.

The story is targeted to young women especially, but older ones can enjoy it just the same. One can always go back to those times when everything about love and sex was new and fascinating.

After finishing the book I just *had* to go to cinema to see the movie version...

Written by Stephenie Meyer
Year 2006 - order here - order here - order here


Sari said...

Ostin tämän kirjan sarjan seuraavan, New Moon-teoksen itselleni vasta joku aika sitten alemyynnistä ja tuolla odottavat kirjakasassa lukuun pääsyä. Nämä kirjat löytyivät muuten lastenosastolta läheisestä poistomyymälästä, mutta kun muistelin Twilight-leffan tulleen joku aika sitten teattereihin, ajattelin, että tässä voisi olla mielenkiintoinen tarina luettavaksi...

Sari said...

Puuttuu näköjään ja sana tuolta välistä, eli ostin sekä tämän Twilightin että tuon New Moon-kirjan itselleni joku aika sitten... ;-)

Helinä Laajalahti said...

Moi Sari,
minä ostin samoin tämän kirja-alesta ja luettuani pistin tilaukseen seuraavat kaksi ;-) Ovat vielä postissa jossain matkalla... Nuortenkirjojahan nämä ovat, mutta ihan hyvin niistä voivat aikuisetkin nauttia! Kuten sanoin, teinityttö heräsi minussa ja kyllä sellaisia hassuja perhosia mahanpohjassa lenteli tätä lukiessa ja noiden Bellan ja Edwardin suhteen kehittymistä seuratessa.

Sari said...
